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Content: happycustomers

Happy Customers

Give them answers

A well informed Customer is a happy customer. Qmaze can be used bothin B2C and B2B environments. For B2C a shoppingcart module is available, linked with various payment providers. For B2B environments a complete Dealer Portal is available, giving your named customers, agents or dealers access to all quotations and orders. Qmaze can be linked easily to ERP to provide realtime order progress information to your customers.

Complete information

A Qmaze quote can cover all the information you want to share. No more forgotten options, no more outdated prices. Your Qmaze quote and order will always be complete and correct

Let them do the work

Customers create their own quotes, manage their own opportunities. They dont have to wait for your staff, because Qmaze will give them realtime information in their own language. This makes business in different languages and timezones very easy. Our dealer portal gives you a platform not just for proposals and sales orders but can be used for any kind of information.

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